Cybercrime: these are typical cases
Classic “Fishing”. A fishing attempt happens more or less like this: You get an email asking you to click a link or download a document attached to the email. An unexpected message from a certain “Monica” asks you how are you? This could be your elementary school friend or the cheater who asks for your password.
It’s good to know that…
Fishing is consistent in getting the password and in fishing. Because, it is done for getting the password.
If you click the link or download the attached document, a virus is downloaded. For example, the virus spies on your system and passes your data to an attacker. A classic case of data misuse.
Or you will be redirected to the website where you can fill in your personal information. For example, an attacker could now sell your data or mock your personal information. At best, you will occasionally get unwanted ads.
How to protect yourself against cybercrime?
Thankfully, there are some easy ways to protect yourself online:
1. Antivirus protection
Set up reliable antivirus protection including a “firewall”. An antivirus program (such as AVIRA Antivirus Pro, Bitdefender Internet Security, or NortonLifeLock Norton 360 Deluxe) scans your computer for viruses and fights them. A firewall is, so to speak, a guardian of your computer and prevents unwanted data traffic. Also always update your antivirus.
2. Be aware of unknown senders
Do not click attachments from an unknown sender. If you are directed to a website, pay attention to the URL in the search address: “” is not the same as Amazon. If you know the sender, a little care does not hurt you, because your acquaintance may have been a victim of cybercrime himself.
3. Be careful when filling in and opening the data
A healthy mistrust is also advisable when filling in the data: banks never ask you by email to click and fill in your data there. Fill in the data only on the website you trust and do not publish personal data such as your photo or address publicly on social media. The less data, the more secure from attacks.
4. Public WiFi networks
Public WLANs provide an easy gateway. Smartphones in particular ‘log in’ instantly on public WLANs unnoticed, so turn off automatic ‘log in’ in the ‘settings’ of your mobile.
5. Be careful with downloading applications
Applications can hide viruses. Consequently, read the app reviews before downloading them and pay attention to the permissions of the app requests. Why does a light application need access to your contact information? You can find another application with the same purpose and with less data leakage.
6. Select secure passwords
Choose secure passwords. This may sound like a very obvious tip, but people’s favorite password might be “123456”. An attacker finds this in a few seconds. Instead, choose a long password by combining characters with unique numbers.
7. Be aware of the demands of friendship on social media
Do not accept the friendship requests that come to you on social media. Even if that handsome military officer assures you that it has to do with eternal love, his goal is likely to be to persuade you to click on a “fishing” link to get your details.
What to do if you are a victim?
Basically, the basic protection package includes: password change, password change, password change. This prevents attackers from continuing to access the accounts in question. In case of virus, install an antivirus system. For more complex cases, contact the relevant law enforcement authority.
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