Do laboratory tests according to the Japanese protocol
Between 30% and 50% of cancer deaths could be prevented
Better to prevent than to cure
"Early detection of serious diseases, such as cancer, minimizes the risk."

Advantages of the Japanese analysis protocol
Did you know that Japan has the longest life expectancy in the world? What is the secret? The development of the health system and, moreover, that of the preliminary control or as we know otherwise Check UP, is one of the reasons why the third economy in the world is the leader in terms of life expectancy on a global scale. Today in Japan over 70,000 people have passed the age of 100.
What tests are involved?
Check up for cancer prevention (Women)
CEA (carcino-embryonic antigen) is chiefly a marker of tumors of digestive system cancers like gastric cancer andintestinal cancer. The higher the CEA value, the greater the likelihood of cancer. At this time, it is necessary to followdifferent symptoms and focus on the digestive system so as to perform a thorough examination – including lungs andgynecology (breast cancer screening), such as blood test, X-ray imaging, ultrasonic and CT. The reference value of CEAis 5ng/ml and below. If the value of the check is a multiple of the reference value, the possibility of cancer is very large;if it is a multiple of 4 times and above, there is a probability of cancer metastasis
CA 15-3 - CA15-3
CA15-3 (carbohydrate antigen 15-3) has specific reactions to breast cancer, so it is always used to screen breastcancer. CA15-3 is not positive in early breast cancer, but for metastatic breast cancer, there is a very high possibilityof being positive. The medical checkup of CA15-3 for primary cancer tells a probability of more than 10% beingpositive. The check of recurrent cancer tells a probability of more than 40% being positive. Besides being positive forbreast cancer, CA15-3 is also positive for ovarian cancer (a probability of 40%), uterine cancer (a probability of 25%),and pancreatic cancer ( a probability of 20%). The checkup value of CA15-3 also increases if the examinee hasendometritis, pelvic inflammation or hepatitis. The reference value of CA15-3 is 23.5U/ml and below.
CA 125
CA125 (carbohydrate antigen 125) has specific reactions to ovarian cancer and uterine cancer, thus becomes themarker of tumors for the several cancers. This is especially true in the case of ovarian cancer, for which theprobability of being positive is very high. Uterus-related cancers can be divided into cervical cancer and uterinecancer. The probability of cervical cancer is high. And this check-up item can also be used toscreen endometritis and uterine cysts. Besides, the numerical value of CA125 is also high in cases of breast cancer,pancreatic cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer. However, while women are in the early stages of pregnancy,during the periods of menstruation, or before amenorrhea, there will be a short time of high value. Therefore, thetiming of the medical examination is critical. The reference value of CA125 is 35U/ml and below.
CA19-9 (Cancer antigen 19-9) is a chief marker of tumors of digestive system cancers. Especially in cases of a patientwith pancreatic cancer, cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder cancer, the value of this checkup is very high. However, thevalue of CA19-9 is also very high for a patient with pancreatic cancer and gallstones. In this case, the value cannaturally go down with proper treatment and the improvement of the diseases. After 3~6 months of observation, if thevalue remains the same or does not have a significant drop , the examinee may have already been suffering from cancer.The reference value is 37U/ml and below. Alert is needed before it reaches 100U/ml; an even higher value suggests alarge possibility of cancer. More attention should be drawn to those whose checkup value falls into the gray area.
Check up for cancer prevention (Men)
AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) is a major marker of tumors of liver cancer. However, if the examinee has gastric cancer,hepatic cirrhosis or hepatitis, the value of this item will also be high. If the high value is caused by chronic hepatitis orhepatic cirrhosis, the value will naturally go down with proper treatment. A continuous rise of the value after treatmentsuggests the possibility of cancer. The reference value is 10ng/ml and below; if it exceeds 100ng/ml, the possibility ofhaving a disease is very high.
CEA (carcino-embryonic antigen) is chiefly a marker of tumors of digestive system cancers like gastric cancer andintestinal cancer. The higher the CEA value, the greater the likelihood of cancer. At this time, it is necessary to followdifferent symptoms and focus on the digestive system so as to perform a thorough examination – including lungs andgynecology (breast cancer screening), such as blood test, X-ray imaging, ultrasonic and CT. The reference value of CEAis 5ng/ml and below. If the value of the check is a multiple of the reference value, the possibility of cancer is very large;if it is a multiple of 4 times and above, there is a probability of cancer metastasis
High PSA (prostate specific antigen) may suggest diseases like prostate cancer, Prostatic hypertrophy and prostatitis.The more hypertrophic the prostate, the higher the value of PSA. Today high-precision PSA check can detect earlycancer without symptoms. Prostate cancer which has been early detected can be completely eradicated. PSA referencevalue is 4.0ng/ml and below. If the check-up value is 4.1~10ng/ml, it can be called a gray area with a probability of20%~30% to have a cancer; if the value reaches 10.1ng/ml and above, the possibility of cancer greatly increases to 50%and above.
CA19-9 (Cancer antigen 19-9) is a chief marker of tumors of digestive system cancers. Especially in cases of a patientwith pancreatic cancer, cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder cancer, the value of this checkup is very high. However, thevalue of CA19-9 is also very high for a patient with pancreatic cancer and gallstones. In this case, the value cannaturally go down with proper treatment and the improvement of the diseases. After 3~6 months of observation, if thevalue remains the same or does not have a significant drop , the examinee may have already been suffering from cancer.The reference value is 37U/ml and below. Alert is needed before it reaches 100U/ml; an even higher value suggests alarge possibility of cancer. More attention should be drawn to those whose checkup value falls into the gray area.
Check up on lifestyle
TG (Triglyceride) is synthesized in liver with granulated sugar and the like (carbohydrates) and animal fats. The overmuch of TG in the bloodincreases the risk of atherosclerosis. The medical examination of TG is essential to the prevention of atherosclerotic diseases (cardiovascular stenosis,myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, etc). Among the Japanese patients of myocardial infarction, quite a few do not have a high level of cholesterol,but their TG level is high.
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) can clear the cholesterol which causes arteriosclerosis, and transport it to the liver, so it is also known as “goodcholesterol”. If the numerical value of this item is too low, arteriosclerosis may get worsened and can cause diseases like cardiovascular stenosis andmyocardial infarction. The higher value of TC and/or the lower value of HDL, the easier for arteriosclerosis to develop into cardiovascular stenosis ormyocardial infarction. More attention is needed.
LDL (Low-density lipoprotein) cannot be absorbed by cells, thus be placed in blood vessels and be leftover. It is a major cause of arteriosclerosis, so itis also known as “bad cholesterol”. As a matter of fact, it is LDL that brings about arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis refers to the status that the vesselwall loses its elasticity and becomes hardened while the vascular accumulation of various substances narrows the vascular lumen and slows bloodflow.
Usually, BUN (blood urea nitrogen) is removed out of the body through kidney. But patients of acute and chronic nephritis or of renal insufficiencycannot get BUN totally removed because their kidneys do not function properly. The BUN value will become very high due to the residual BUN inthe blood. The value of BUN depends not only on the balance of urea production and excretion, but also on the intake and metabolism of protein andthe renal function. If the value of this check-up item is too high, it may suggest the possibility of renal insufficiency; but if it is too low, it maysuggest the possibility of liver diseases or hepatic insufficiency.
If liver functions well, CRE (creatinine) will be removed from the body through urine. That is to say, if CRE is at too high a level, it can be diagnosedas renal insufficiency. The value of CRE is also related to the proportion of muscle in the body. In general, the muscle value of males is higher thanthat of females by 10%-20%, but the difference will gradually disappear with the increase of age.
UA (Uric Acid) in the blood is a major basis for the diagnosis of gout. UA is produced due to the dissolution of urate in the blood, but can be removedfrom the body through kidney. On condition of renal insufficiency, UA cannot be removed as usual. There might be other reasons that bring aboutthe overproduction of UA in the body, and cause UA abnormalities. When UA reaches a certain density, it produces crystals and aggregates atfingers, toes or joints, thus causes gout.
The value of HbA1c can help judge the average status of GLU of recent 1 or 2 months. This value of this item is not affected by the diet or drinkingbefore the check-up. If the value of the check-up is abnormal, please check up again a month later.
Check up for infectious diseases
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is transmitted through blood and body fluid. A person who is infected by the virus but is notsuffering from “acute hepatitis” can be cured completely. After hepatitis B is cured, the body will produce antibodiesand will be infected no more. Patients with acute hepatitis may also be infected by this virus. After being infected, itwill be turned into chronic hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis has few symptoms, thus self-discovery is difficult, so it is amust to do antibody or virus screening. Chronic hepatitis has a long duration and can last for several years or evendecades. Without timely intervention and treatment, it may develop into liver cirrhosis, even liver cancer. Therefore,timely precautions and treatment are necessary.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by Hepatitis C virus. Without timely treatment, it may develop into chronichepatitis, liver cirrhosis, even liver cancer. Around 80% of liver cancer is caused by Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C virus istransmitted through the blood, mostly invisible. 60%~80% of the infected will develop into chronic hepatitis. Withouttreatment, 20 years later, about 30%~40% chronic hepatitis will develop into liver cirrhosis, of which 7% maydevelop into liver cancer.
How does SIGAL UNIQA offer this unique opportunity?
Through the "TeleShëndet" application, the only one of its kind in Albania, SIGAL UNIQA customers can not only communicate with the doctor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, benefit from discounts and bonuses, but also perform a CHECK UP according to the "Japanese Protocol" in the best hospitals and clinics in Albania.
Hurry up and make this opportunity yours that nobody offers in Albania except SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria.
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