Kreu » Property & Guarantee » Agriculture and Farming

Agriculture and Farming

This is a product designed for all farmers and agricultural and livestock business owners Due to the fact that the agricultural and livestock business is even more exposed to natural hazards especially as a result of changing global climate conditions.

Agriculture and Livestock

This policy insures: buildings, cars and agricultural machineries, investments in agriculture, agricultural productions, greenhouses, lines and farming production technology, agricultural animals and animals with special use values such as birds, the food base.

Agricultural and farming insurance protects the agricultural and farming production from fire, theft, natural risks, diseases, accidental damages and poisoning.

How much does it cost?

The tariffs for this insurance varies from 0,15% up to 6,0% of the insured amount depending on the object as well as kinds of risks that will be insured.

Why is it covered?

Some events even if those are rare can bankrupt a farmer after all funds are used.

During the first years affordable losses are difficult. In difficult financial time periods reserve funds will be used thus threatening the security and stability of your company.

In order to avoid these concerns and property damages, there is only one reliable name SIGAL UNIQA, who will buy all your risks enabling you to enjoy a safe and peaceful living. You will be never safe unless you are insured. The world has over 300 years that insures everything and this is what we are working for.

What kind of risks can be covered?

  • From all risks (hail, storms, windstorm, cyclone, downpour rain and fire, frost, and floods etc.)
  • Production quality
  • Production efficiency
  • Contract guarantee with investors is the investor is different from the farmer and this covers as well time production launching chain
Contact Us

Do you have any question?

Please contact our customer service:

Tel: +355 4 22 33 308
Whatsapp: +355 68 606 2829
Auto Insurance Claim: +355 68 408 8436
Green Number: 0800 31 31

Monday to Sunday 24h/day.
> [email protected]

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