SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Albania (Non-Life Insurance Company)
SIGAL Sh.a was founded on 22nd February 1999 and was authorised by the Insurance Supervisory Authority to provide non-life insurances and registered at the National Business Centre by NUIS J91809007H.
Since 2007, the company is operating under the name SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Sh.a and offers a wide range of insurance products for all classes of non-life insurance products. SIGAL UNIQA is the leader of the Albanian insurance market by owning on average 30% of the market share.
***Detailed information on non-life insurances can be found at the official website of the Financial Supervisory Authority at .
SIGAL Sh.a is the first company to attract foreign capital in the Albanian insurance market. In 2003, the Albanian-American Fund of Enterprises, established by the Department of State of the United States of America, became one of the shareholders of SIGAL owning 13.3% of shares.
In March 2007, SIGAL Sh.a signed a Partnership Agreement with one of the most powerful financial groups in Central and Eastern Europe, UNIQA GROUP AUSTRIA. UNIQA is the biggest shareholder of SIGAL UNIQA with 86.9% of shares.
Chairman of Board
Mr. Erhard Dr BUSEK
Deputy Chairman
Mr. Wolfgang KINDL
Mr. Martin MATA
Mr. Gerald Muller
Mr.Alexander Breit
Mr. Vinzenz Benedikt
SIGAL Life UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Albania (Life Insurance Company)
SIGAL LIFE Sh.a was founded on 30th August 2004 and was authorised by the Insurance Supervisory Authority to provide life insurance products and is registered at the National Business Centre by NUIS K51423801Q.
Since 2008, the company operates under the name SIGAL UNIQA Group AUSTRIA Sh.a and offers a wide range of products for all classes of insurances. SIGAL Life UNIQA leads the Albanian life-insurance market by owning on average 50% of the market share.
***Detailed information on life insurance market, can be found at the official website of the Financial Supervisory Authority at
SIGAL LIFE UNIQA GROUP AUSTRIA’s Sh.a shares are owned 100% by SIGAL UNIQA GROUP AUSTRIA Sh.a which was founded on 22nd February 1999.
Chairman of Board
Mr. Erhard Dr BUSEK
Deputy Chairman
Mr. Wolfgang KINDL
Mr. Martin MATA
Mr. Gerald Muller
Mr.Alexander Breit
Mr .Vinzenz Benedikt
Licensed on 30th March 2011 by the Financial Supervisory Authority to act as an administration company on voluntary pension fund to collect and invest pension funds as well as the execution of pension payments in compliance with Law No. 10197, dated 10.12.2009 “On voluntary pension fund”.
Administrating company of SIGAL LIFE UNIQA Group AUSTRIA pension fund represents the second licensed company by the Financial Supervisory Board for the administration of voluntary pension funds. SIGAL’s Voluntary Pension Fund leads the Albanian private pension market by the number of quotes and net value of assets.
The Fund offers retirement pension, precocious pensions, invalidity pension and family pension.
***For more detailed information, please visit the official website of SIGAL’s Private Pension Fund.