One brand, many languages but united by one motto: living better together
“UNIQA Insurance Group” dates back to the distant year 1811 when “Salzburger Landes-Versicherung” was founded.
Today, “UNIQA Insurance Group” is top ranked in the insurance industry, covering 18 countries where it operates through 40 companies.
It owns 21% of the Austrian insurance market and has the largest health insurance segment.
“UNIQA Insurance Group” supports directly or through its partners, more than 3.7 million customers across Austria.
UNIQA offers all categories of insurance, while its products reach the customer through its exclusive marketing, brokers, general agencies and online sales.
“UNIQA Insurance Group” has been the most recognized and most reliable insurance brand in Austria for many years.
It counts about 22,400 employees, over 16 million customers in 18 countries, 32 billion euros in assets and about 7 billion euros in annual premiums.
But despite the many European crises during these recent years, “UNIQA Insurance Group” continues to show financial stability in the markets where it operates, as well as resistance and financial strength to any crisis.
“In an extraordinary year affected by Russia’s attack on Ukraine, rising energy prices and high inflation, our business once again proved its resilience to the crisis,” says Andreas Brandstetter, CEO of UNIQA Insurance Group.
“UNIQA” was the first insurance company from Europe that decided to invest in the Albanian financial market and that of the region and today it is the most trusted in Albania, Kosovo, and North Macedonia.
March 2007 marks a very important moment in the economic and financial life of the country, but also of the insurance market in particular: SIGAL and UNIQA Insurance Group partnership.
Today, 16 years after this important event for the financial life of the country, the founder, and General Director of SIGAL, Mr. Avni Ponari is more than happy about this decision.
Avni Ponari: “In 2007, negotiations began with “UNIQA”, a large company with extensive experience in insurance. This cooperation created even more spaces for us because their help was more specialized, as we had a company with 200 years of experience. We became part of the wider European structures, and the experiences of all countries joined our experience and shared them with each other, building a necessary structure in the country. Today SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria is more consolidated and from 5 people who worked for us in ’99, today there are 2000 employees in 3 countries, being one of the largest companies in Eastern Europe and one of the companies with an important ranking position”.
Albania has had many foreign investments after the 90s, but there are few foreign companies that have had such an important impact on this sector, but also on the Albanian citizens themselves.
One of them is undoubtedly “UNIQA Insurance Group”, the Austrian insurance giant, which thanks to over 200 years of experience brought to Albania innovative insurance products and services that continue today after 16 years to be among the most successful for the Albanian insurance market. They provide customers with better, faster services and in coherence with the technological developments.
Here we can mention “Telehealth” Service, Road Assistance Service, “SIGAL UNIQA AutoSOS” or the most recent insurance dedicated only to cancerous diseases, “Anti-Tumor Insurance”
Not forgetting “SIGAL UNIQA Audiobooks”, the first digital platform of audiobooks in Albanian. This platform aims to promote education, culture, and the Albanian language. While it also helps the blind and Albanians outside Albania who want to read and teach their children the Albanian language.
But social responsibility also has an important role in the company’s policies, so “SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria” is a name that you can see through its contributions to sports, art, culture and supporting successful individuals or groups.
You can see the company’s name in stadiums, sports halls, concerts, festivals, charity activities, etc., since for years “SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria” has been a big financial supporter of them.
Many years of development, economic stability and a professional staff show that the outlook for the future will be just as good.
“We are seeing excellent development not only in Austria, but especially in our international companies in Central and Eastern Europe. With around 38% of premiums written and excellent profitability, they contributed significantly to the very satisfactory results,” says Brandstetter, emphasizing the UNIQA Group’s international orientation.
“Today, over 16 million customers rely on us to protect and improve their property, financial security and healthcare. Our aim is to accompany and support them in health-related issues as relevant partners throughout their lives”, emphasizes Mr. Brandstetter.
With an extension of its activity in 18 different European countries, where different languages are spoken, “UNIQA Insurance Group” is a community that lives and works through diversity where all 18 markets are connected under the common claim “living better together”.
In order for the Group’s motto not to remain just a promise but to be full of actions, over 2000 employees of SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria in Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia are every day close to over 1 million customers not only to receive the premium but to be there for them when they need it most.
Therefore, the company, despite the passing years and other actors entering the market, continues to remain the biggest and most trusted name in insurances.
SIGAL UNIQA Group Austria, living better together
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